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Clifftop Yoga

Discovering your Happy Koa is the gateway to transformation.

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A unique approach.

Reiki Treatment
Dramatic Dance
Yoga on Beach

That which you say you are... you shall be.

Melissa Kovics

Hi! I’m Melissa - a dancer, gymnast, choreographer, healer and animal lover. Since the age of three, I’ve been a student, coach and performer of dance, cheer and gymnastics. During my career, I also became a professional hip-hop dancer, Personal Trainer, and Master Reiki practitioner for both people and animals. Early in my career, I danced for Coca Cola at the Tour De France. I then moved to New York City with $200 in my pocket, determined to make it big! I trained in NY and LA at Alvin Ailey Studio, Broadway Dance, Millennium Dance Complex and many other top studios. While working with the best hip-hop choreographers in the industry, I was fortunate enough to tour with famous dance troupes around the globe. I was taught by Keith Williams (one of Janet Jacksons dancers and choreographers), Shane Sparks, and Showtyme in New York City.


But after all of this training, something was still holding me back. Why was I so unsure of myself with so much experience under my belt? So I began to search for answers. After lots of bumps in the road and years of self doubt, I discovered the only thing holding me back was ME! I was neglecting myself of the “good” that we all deserve and seek in life. As the healing began, doors started to open up. I learned to accept that the path to healing required work... Work that must be done by me and no one else. I was the only one who could change my world. So I began to train. I became certified in multiple healing modalities while I was living in Boulder, Colorado. Thereafter, I soon began my Reiki and energy healing practice. I worked with both horses and people and fell in love with helping others see what is inside each and every one of us: Strength, Courage and Wisdom.


Along with my reiki practice, I continue to teach dance and lead workshops for all ages. I cherish the value of expressing creativity, thoughts and feelings through the power of dance and movement.The instant shift that can occur in our mind, body and soul with each movement is pure freedom.

My practice is now based in Missoula, Montana, where I am surrounded by nature, animals and fabulous people. Helping people open up to everlasting happiness and flow is my forever passion in life. 

Yoga Pose


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