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Reiki Treatment


60 Minute session: $120


This session is best for returning clients:

Reiki healing, energy clearing, chakra balancing, intuitive counseling and may also include Tibetan bowl, tuning fork sound healing, and crystal therapy. 


90 Minute session: $180


This session is perfect for new clients:  

Same as the 60 minute session plus additional time for overall new client discussion, intuitive counseling and if needed more time on the healing table


Long Distance Healing: $95


This session is wonderful for clients who live afar:

Energy has no limitations and travels through space and is not hindered by physical barriers.  The session includes Reiki healing, energy clearing and intuitive counseling 



Simply book your service and checkout online. Venmo, pay pal and cash also accepted. Checks not accepted at this time.


Cancellation Policy

There is a required 24 hour cancellation Policy. 

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